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HSC 2024: Latest Format of Class 12th Activity Sheet English | Exam Helper


EnglishXII,English XII,Class 12,Class 12th English,Exam,HSC,HSC 2024,HSC 2025,

SECTION I – PROSE (34 Marks)

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping)

Q. 1 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)                     

(Note: See prose extract from Section No.1 consisting of 275 to 300 words)

  • A1) Global understanding (02)
  • A2) Complex factual (02)
  • A3) Inference/Interpretation/Analysis (02)
  • A4) Personal response (02)
  • A5) Language study (02)
  • A6) Vocabulary (02)

B) Language Study (Non – textual Grammar) (4)                                                       

Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence (3)                                       

Spot the error (1)           


Q. 2 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)         

(Note: Unseen prose extract consisting of 275 to 300 words)

  • A1) Global understanding (02)
  • A2) Complex factual (02)
  • A3) Inference/Interpretation/Analysis (02)
  • A4) Personal response  (02)         
  • A5) Language study (02)
  • A6) Vocabulary (02)


B) Summary Writing (03)

Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points/hints.

C) Mind Mapping (03)                                                                           

Develop a ‘Mind Mapping’ frame/ design using your ideas/ thoughts/concepts to illustrate the given topic. 


Q.3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (10)

(Seen extract from a poem of about of 10 – 15 lines)

A1) Global understanding (02)                                                                           

A2) Inference/Interpretative/Analysis (02)                                                        

A3) Personal Response (02)                                                                                

A4) Poetic Device (02)                                                                                         

A5) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines) (02)      


B. APPRECIATION (04)         

Read the extract and write as per the instructions:

(Note: Seen extract of 10 to 15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q.3 A)

See More:  

SECTION III – Writing Skills (16 Marks)      

Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. (16)

A) Drafting Virtual Message OR Statement of Purpose OR Group Discussion (04)            

B) E-mail Writing OR Report Writing OR Writing Interview (04)                                    

C) Speech Writing OR Compering OR Expansion of Ideas (04)                                        

D) Review Writing OR Blog Writing OR Appeal Writing  (04)            


SECTION IV – Novel / Literary Genre (16 Marks)        


Q.5 (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions. (04)

1. Activities on History of English Novel (02)                                                                   

2. Activities on History of English Novel  (02)                                                                  

(Activities: MCQ/Match the columns/Chronological order/Fill in the Blanks/True False/Elements of Novel/Any other novel activity)

(Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)

(Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.1)

(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (04)

(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

1. Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)                                          

2. Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify (02)                                              

(Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.2)

(C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (04)

(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

1. Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss  (02)                                         

2. Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify  (02)                                              

(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.3)

(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (04)

(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

1. Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss (02)                                          

2. Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify  (02)                                              

(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.4)


Sr. No.Name of the sectionMarksMarks with options
3Writing Skill1648

See More:  

Std. XII: – Features of Evaluation Pattern- English

  1. HSC Board has accepted the activity sheet format for English subject. There are no A, B, C, D sets for the HSC Board Exam.
  2. On two poems activities will be set. One poem is for the comprehension and the other is for the appreciation.
  3. There is no activity for Note Making now for Std. XII.
  4. Mind Mapping is the compulsory activity. There is no passage for mind mapping activity.  No hints will be given. Only activity statement will be given. By using it students have to draw the mind mapping diagram or frame.
  5. Activities on letter writing, view and counter – view, dialogue writing, leaflet writing are removed from the Std. XII activity sheet.
  6. There will be no extract given for novel section. All questions are compulsory in novel section. There are no internal options for them. On novel section do not set same questions.
  7. The scheme of marking for writing skill activities is same for each sub- question.
  8. In review writing there will be activity on writing review on film, story, book, play, documentary etc.
  9. There are only activity statements in the activity sheet. Avoid use of WH- questions.

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