Report Writing– Get More Information ( रिपोर्ट लेखन- अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें )
General Tips:- सामान्य सूचना:-
- Write report in past tense. ( रिपोर्ट को भूत काल में लिखें। )
- Give title to the report. ( रिपोर्ट को शीर्षक दें। )
- Write report in two or three paragraphs. ( दो या तीन पैराग्राफ में रिपोर्ट लिखें। )
- Give events as per they happened. ( घटनाएँ उनके घटित होने के अनुसार दीजिए। )
- Give detailed information of the programme or event. ( कार्यक्रम या आयोजन की विस्तृत जानकारी दें। )
- Give nature or name, occasion, organizers, date, time and venue of the event in the report. ( प्रतिवेदन में कार्यक्रम की प्रकृति या नाम, अवसर, आयोजकों, तिथि, समय और स्थान का उल्लेख करें। )
- All the information which given in the report may be imaginary. ( रिपोर्ट में दी गई सभी जानकारी काल्पनिक हो सकती है। )
- Give the details of chief guests, participants etc. ( मुख्य अतिथि, प्रतिभागियों आदि का विवरण दें। )
- Use simple and clear language. ( सरल और स्पष्ट भाषा का प्रयोग करें। )
A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, programme, seminar, workshop or issue.
( एक रिपोर्ट एक गैर-कथा खाता है जो किसी विशेष घटना, विषय, कार्यक्रम, संगोष्ठी, कार्यशाला या मुद्दे के बारे में तथ्यों को प्रस्तुत करता है और/या सारांशित करता है। )
Report Writing– Examples
Activity No. 1 |
(HSC Board Sept. 2021 Exam)
Q. Your junior college recently organised a ‘Book Reading Competition’. You are the students’ representative. Write a report of the competition in about 100/150 words on the topic. Book Reading Competition- |
Report of Book Reading Competition
NH Junior college, Bramhapuri, organised the Book Reading Competition to celebrate the birth anniversary of late President Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. Students participated with great enthusiasm. Few students grabbed the prizes. The programme held in respective classes of 10th, 11th and 12th. Class teachers monitored the reading of each student. They checked the reading speed, pronunciation, clear voice, intonation pattern and rhythm. Few students showed good performance, so they were selected for further round. In the college auditorium second round of Book Reading Competition started. Here 20 students took part. Each student tried to read more perfectly than the first round. They were also asked some questions to check their understanding. Final result was declared by the cultural head of the college Miss. Nilima Rangari. The student from class 12th, Pravin Waghdhare became the winner. Priyanka Raut and Sunil Madavi were the second prize holder. The first prize winner was given a cash prize of Rs. 5000 and a memento while other two got Rs. 3500 as a cash prize with memento. The remaining participants were given various books as a gift. The Principal Dr. Dhananjay Gahane. congratulated the students and felicitated with the gifts. He also appealed students to follow the ideology of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam and make books as their friends. – A report by XYZ, Students’ representative |
Activity Sheet No. 2 |
Write a Report of Teacher’s Day Function held in your college. Use the following points. Detailed program, students’ participation as teacher, principal, vice – principal and non-teaching persons, speeches of students, Principal and chief guest, vote of thanks, add your own points. |
Teacher’s Day
Report of celebration of Teacher’s Day
Teacher’s Day was held in Nevjabai Hitkarni Junior College, Bramhapuri, Chandrapur on Sept.5th. It is the birthday of eminent scholar and teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhkrishnan, the Second President of India. smt. Snehalatabai Bhaiya was the chief guest. Along with the chief guest Principal Dr. Dhananjay Gahane and Vice Principal Adv. Shri Prakash Bhaiya inaugurated the ceremony.
Some of the students played the roles of teachers, supervisor, vice principal, principal and non – teaching staff. These students conducted classes and enjoyed teaching. After this session all gathered in the assembly hall. All the college teachers were honoured by mementos by the representative students of each class. In the assembly the chief guest advised the teachers to provide an ideal to the students with their behaviour and work. He also advised the students to follow their teachers as an idol. The Principal delivered the concluding speech. He appreciated the students’ gestures towards their teachers. Few of the students shared their teaching experience during the ceremony. These students were also honoured by the chief guest and Principal.
The president of students’ council Pravin Waghdhare expressed vote of thanks.
– A report by XYZ, Students’ representative
Activity No.3 |
HSC Board Exam- March 2022
You are a representative of the N.S.S. unit of your college. Write a brief report of the camp in which various social activities including cleanliness have been conducted by all the participants. |
Report of N.S.S Camp
On 10th August, around 120 students from class 11th and 12th of N.H Jr. college, Bramhapuri under the supervision of our N.S.S in charge Mr. A. Parkarwar completed a Monsoon camp. The students involved in various social activities along with a cleanliness drive in the village Kurja. All the students arrived at 7:30 a.m. to Kurja by College Private Buses. Students Pravin Madavi and Rani Sharma lead the N.S.S. unit. The work begins with a cleanliness drive. Students cleaned the village lanes, open places and temple area. Villagers also involved in this work. Mr. A. Parkarwar along with the Sarpanch of the village Mr. Anil Bhaiya lead the rally and make the villagers aware about the diseases caused during monsoon. Students showed the posters having information of diseases like Malaria, cholera, jaundice and water related diseases. After common lunch, students took rest. In the evening students presented a ‘Path Natya’ and social awareness songs. The programme ended with the vote of thanks by the Sarpanch of Kurja. Students enjoyed the one-day camp and returned back with energy and satisfaction. – A report by: X.Y.Z Student representative |