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Telamonia dimidiata spider | Exam Helper

Telamonia dimidiata,Telamonia dimidiata spider,Salticidae,Salticidae Family Spider,Two-Striped jumper spider,jumper spider
Telamonia dimidiata,Telamonia dimidiata spider,Salticidae,Salticidae Family Spider,Two-Striped jumper spider,jumper spider
Telamonia dimidiata spider - Pravin Lengure - Mango Tree in Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)

Telamonia dimidiata, a species within the Salticidae family, is commonly referred to as a jumping spider. Indigenous to various tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, these spiders are distinguished by their compact bodies, which measure around 5-10 mm in length, and their remarkable jumping capabilities facilitated by their robust hind legs.

Their cephalothorax features two large anterior median eyes, which are particularly adept at visual tracking and depth perception, aiding them in accurately targeting prey and navigating their environment. Their coloration can vary, often comprising shades of brown or gray with distinctive markings, though this can vary between individuals and populations.

Telamonia dimidiata is primarily diurnal, actively hunting during the day. They are known for their agile and inquisitive nature, frequently exploring their surroundings with rapid and jerky movements. Their diet primarily consists of small insects, which they capture by pouncing upon them from a close distance. Their hunting strategy often involves stealth and patience, as they carefully stalk their prey before launching their swift attack.

These spiders play an important ecological role as predators, helping to control insect populations within their habitats. Additionally, their distinctive appearance and behavior make them a subject of fascination for enthusiasts and researchers alike, contributing to ongoing studies in arachnology and biodiversity.


Telamonia dimidiata is a species of spider belonging to the family Salticidae, commonly known as the  Two-Striped jumper spiders. These spiders are primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. They are characterized by their compact bodies, large anterior median eyes, and agile jumping ability. Telamonia dimidiata typically hunts during the day, preying on a variety of insects. They are known for their curious and inquisitive behavior, often exploring their surroundings with quick, jerky movements.



Spider Scientific Name

Telamonia dimidiata

Common Name

Two-Striped jumper spider

When to see it

Spring and summer.

Find Location

Mango Tree – Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)

See it : Cyclosa Conica Spider

Telamonia dimidiata,Telamonia dimidiata spider,Salticidae,Salticidae Family Spider,Two-Striped jumper spider,jumper spider

Telamonia dimidiata,Telamonia dimidiata spider,Salticidae,Salticidae Family Spider,Two-Striped jumper spider,jumper spider

Pravin Lengure
Mango Tree
Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)


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