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Cyclosa Conica Spider | Exam Helper

Cyclosa Conica,Cyclosa Conica Spider,Orb-weaver spiders,
Cyclosa Conica,Cyclosa Conica Spider,Orb-weaver spiders,
Cyclosa ConiaPravin Lengure - (Mango Tree )

Cyclosa conica, commonly known as the Conical Cyclosa, is a species of orb-weaving spider found in various regions across the globe, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

This small-sized spider typically exhibits a distinctive conical abdomen, which contributes to its name. Its coloration can vary, often featuring hues of brown, gray, or yellow, aiding in camouflage within its habitat.

Cyclosa conica is known for its unique web-building behavior. It constructs intricate orb webs with a prominent central hub, often adorned with debris or prey remains, which further camouflages the spider. Additionally, it builds stabilimenta, structures within the web that may serve roles in prey attraction or camouflage.

Like many orb-weaving spiders, Cyclosa conica is primarily nocturnal, remaining hidden during the day and becoming active at night to hunt prey. Its diet typically consists of small insects and other arthropods ensnared in its web.

Overall, Cyclosa conica exemplifies fascinating adaptations for survival and effective predation within its ecological niche.


Cyclosa conica, also known as the Conical Cyclosa, is a small orb-weaving spider found globally. It sports a conical abdomen and builds intricate webs adorned with debris for camouflage. Active at night, it preys on small insects ensnared in its web.


Orb-weaver spiders

Spider Scientific Name

Cyclosa Conica

Common Name

No :- Cyclosa Conica is a small spider that has no common name.

When to see it

Spring and summer.



Pravin Lengure
Mango Tree 
Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)



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