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European Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus) | Exam Helper

Araneidae,Araneus diadematus,European Garden Spider,Araneidae Family Spider,
Araneidae,Araneus diadematus,European Garden Spider,Araneidae Family Spider,
European Garden Spider  - Pravin Lengure - Rice in Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)

 Araneus diadematus, commonly referred to as the European garden spider or the cross orb-weaver, is a prominent member of the Araneidae family, known for its orb-shaped webs and distinctive cross-shaped markings on its abdomen.

These spiders are widely distributed across Europe and parts of North America, typically inhabiting gardens, meadows, and forested areas.

Araneus diadematus exhibits sexual dimorphism, with females being larger than males. They are skilled hunters, using their webs to catch a variety of flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and moths.

During the mating season, males will cautiously approach females to avoid being mistaken for prey. After mating, females produce spherical egg sacs which they protect until the spiderlings hatch.

Overall, Araneus diadematus plays an important role in controlling insect populations and is a fascinating subject of study in the field of arachnology.


Araneus diadematus, commonly known as the European Garden Spider or the Cross Orb-weaver, is a widespread orb-weaving spider found across Europe and North America. Recognizable by its distinctive cross-shaped marking on the abdomen, it constructs large, circular webs in gardens, forests, and meadows. These spiders are beneficial predators, feeding on insects caught in their webs.



Spider Scientific Name

Araneus diadematus

Common Name

European Garden Spider

When to see it

Spring and summer.



Araneidae,Araneus diadematus,European Garden Spider,Araneidae Family Spider,
Araneidae,Araneus diadematus,European Garden Spider,Araneidae Family Spider,

Pravin Lengure
Bramhapuri Urban Area (Ladaj)


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