Mumbai: A significant update has emerged for students appearing for the 10th board exam. The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will make the Hall Ticket for the Class 10 Board Exam available online starting Wednesday. (10th Exam Hall Tickets)
Students will be able to obtain their hall ticket online from January 31st. The secretary of the state education board has provided this information.
According to the information, students appearing for the 10th board examination will receive the hall ticket from January 31. These hall tickets will be distributed through their respective schools, as confirmed by the Secretary of the State Board. The 10th board exam, conducted by the state board, will take place from March 1st to March 26th. Additionally, Class 10 practical, category, oral, and internal evaluation exams will commence from February 10th. Online hall tickets will be provided to students for these examinations.
Instructions for schools to issue hall tickets to students:
The hall tickets for class 10 students will be available from Wednesday on the official website of the education board, All secondary schools can obtain this hall ticket online for the March 2024 exams. The facility to download this hall ticket will be available through the school login provided by the board. All secondary schools are required to print the online hall ticket for 10th examination students. No separate fee should be charged to students for printing the hall ticket. Furthermore, it is recommended that the hall ticket be printed and signed with the seal of the principal.Inclusion of practical marks online:
An important announcement for students appearing for the 10th and 12th board exams: For the first time this year, the state education board has decided to input the practical marks online instead of using OMR mark sheets. Consequently, the marks obtained in practical's will now be included in the online mark sheet. This decision aims to prevent malpractice by schools, causing concern among educational institutions.10 Minutes Extra Time for Board Exams:
Students appearing for the class 10th-12th board exams will receive an additional 10 minutes this year. This extra time is allotted for reading the question paper and understanding the questions. The Maharashtra Board has issued a circular informing about this decision. Consequently, a 2-hour paper will now be extended to 2 hours and 10 minutes, and a 3-hour paper to 3 hours and 10 minutes.Marathi Edition:
मुंबई : दहावी बोर्डाच्या परीक्षेला बसणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी एक महत्त्वपूर्ण अपडेट समोर आले आहे. महाराष्ट्र राज्य माध्यमिक आणि उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षण मंडळ बुधवारपासून इयत्ता 10वी बोर्ड परीक्षेचे हॉल तिकीट ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध करणार आहे. (दहावी परीक्षेचे हॉल तिकीट)