SSC Exam 2023: This admit card will be available on the website
In case of any technical difficulty in this regard, the Board has requested the High Secondary Schools/Junior Colleges to approach the Divisional Board. For March 2023 all higher secondary schools in all Divisional Boards etc. 10th exam online admit cards are to be printed and given to the students. Also, no separate fee should be charged from the students while printing the admit card online. The board has also said in its notice that the said admit card should be printed and signed by the headmaster. If there is any mistake in the hall tickets, if there is a change in the subject or medium in the admit card, the corrections should be made by the higher secondary schools by going to the divisional board. (SSC 2023 Exam Hall Ticket News)
It is also said that corrections in respect of photograph, signature, name of the student in the admit card should be done by the High Secondary Schools/Junior Colleges at their level and a copy of the same should be promptly sent to the Divisional Board. If the admit card is lost, in case the admit card is lost by the students, the concerned higher secondary schools have been asked to re-print it and give another admit card to the students with a remark in red ink as "honoured copy". Also, instructions have been given that if the photo is defective, the photo of the student should be pasted on it and signed by the concerned Headmaster/Principal.