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Maharastra Colleges Reopen: Maharastra Colleges will start from February 1 - Exam Helper

Education,Mumbai,Education News, College Reopen,Maharashtra, Maharashtra College Reopen,Maharastra Colleges will start from February 1 - Exam Helper

Education,Mumbai,Education News, College Reopen,Maharashtra, Maharashtra College Reopen,Maharastra Colleges will start from February 1 - Exam Helper

Corona had decided to close colleges in the state. But now that the outbreak of corona has subsided, the administration has decided to reopen colleges and universities along with schools in the state.Colleges in the state will actually start from 1st February. This was announced by Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant.

Meanwhile, the decision to start colleges is being welcomed by the education sector. Colleges in the state will start functioning from February 1. But the university and local administration will have the right to decide based on Kovid's situation.

However, only students who have completed two doses will be admitted. The exams, which will be held till February 15, should be conducted online.

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