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School Reopen | First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali | Exam Helper

School Reopen | First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali,Exam Helper,Education News,First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali
School Reopen | First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali,Exam Helper,Education News,First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali
First to Fourth schools will start after Diwali

School Reopen :  Movements to start first to fourth schools have started after Diwali. According to the Department of Elementary Education, students in grades one to four will also be able to attend classes.

Online education has kept school children away from school for over a year and a half. Therefore, it is feared that the foundation of primary education will be eroded. Recently, the state government has started classes 5 to 12 on October 4 due to the reduction in the incidence of corona. The next step is to start classes I to IV.

If the situation in Corona continues to improve, then after Diwali, these classes will also have a moment.

In the meantime, discussions will be held soon on how to take care while starting this class, how to create a safe environment for students in terms of health.

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