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Secondary Education Officer Dr. Vaishali Veer Police's possession | Exam Helper

Secondary Education Officer Dr. Vaishali Veer Police's possession,Exam Helper,Education
Secondary Education Officer Dr. Vaishali Veer Police's possession
Secondary Education Officer Dr. Vaishali Veer Police's possession

Secondary Education Officer of Zilla Parishads Vaishali Veere bribe eight lakh rupees, In the city of Nashik, the bribe preventive department had caught colored. After that, a bribery secondary education officer Dr. Vaishali wires were obstructed. He has taken possession of the Thane's Lacticulture Department today in the morning.

This afternoon was heard on the arrasting bail application of bribery Vaishali Veer. But before that, Veer has been arrested for the hearing of the arrasting bail.

Currently, Vaishali Veer has been kept in the Anti Correction Bureau's office in Nashik's Tibeton Market. The fear of Vaishali Washer, who took a bribery, was absorbed for two days. So their difficulties have increased.

Meanwhile, ordered by the Ministry of School Education to submit a proposal for the suspension of Vaishali Veer. Vaishali Veer's suspension is being considered unavoidable if the suspension proposal is submitted immediately.

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