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Education: Big news about 10th and 12th supplementary exams | Exam Helper

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10th and 12th supplementary exams

Education: This year, the 10th and 12th exams were canceled due to corona. However, the state education boards decided to give historic results without taking the 10th and 12th exams. Twelfth and tenth results of the state were declared. This result was determined by a special evaluation method.

The State Board of Education has announced registration dates for the supplementary examination for students who have any objections to their results or wish to appear for the examination.

The State Board of Education has issued a notice announcing the dates for filling up the supplementary examination forms. The deadline for online application for the supplementary examination will be from August 11 to August 18. Students will be able to apply by paying regular fees during these dates. Students will be able to apply between August 19 and August 25, but they will have to pay a late fee.

Secondary schools, higher secondary schools and junior colleges are required to pay their fees through bank challans between August 23 and 24. Secondary schools, higher secondary schools and junior colleges have till August 25 to submit the lists of students along with the challan of payment of fees to the divisional board.

The applications are to be filled online on the official website of the board. It has been clarified by the Board that no change will be made in these dates.

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