Gadchiroli: - Gondwana University, Gadchiroli, is announcing the results of several semesters in the colleges. A shocking fact has come up: some students received zero to five marks in many papers of this exam.
The Gondwana University, Gadchiroli, summer exams were conducted in the month of May, and the results have been announced. Many students obtained zero to five marks in the result. The internal marks sent by the college were correct on the mark sheet. However, out of 80 marks in the written test, many students are surprised to receive only zero to five marks. The students have been adversely affected by the zero marking method, and they will have to re-exam. The college should immediately inform the university regarding this matter. There is a lot of resentment among the students. Students are questioning whether Gondwana University checked the answer sheets. They are demanding that the college and university conduct an investigation and ensure fairness and justice.