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Best Top Tips to Improve English Speaking and Understanding - Exam Helper

Best Top Tips to Improve English Speaking and Understanding
Best Top Tips to Improve English Speaking and Understanding
Best Top Tips to Improve English Speaking and Understanding

  • Best Tips to improve English speaking and understanding :-
  • Some tips that will be helpful for improving your skills of English.

The four tips are given below:

  • Reading
Learn at least five new vocabulary words everyday. If you learn five words a day, that’s 1,825 words per year. Considering that the average high school student probably has a vocabulary of 5,000 to 6,000 words, in a few years your vocabulary should be sufficient enough to understand nearly everything written in English.

  • Listening:
Listen to talk radio. The objective of listening to English is to hear as many words as possible in as short a period as possible. The more times you hear a word, the better you will be able to use that word. There is no more efficient way to do this than talk radio. The key is to listen as often as possible. If you can, try keeping the radio on while you go to sleep so it's the last thing you hear while falling asleep and the first thing you hear as you wake up.

  • Writing:
Keep a journal and write at least 500 words per day. By writing every day you will be reinforcing everything you have learned. It will also force you to question the accuracy of what you are writing ,but be sure to challenge yourself with new vocabulary and various grammar structures.

  • Speaking:
Reading aloud allows you to practice perfectly. By reading aloud you are speaking grammatically perfect English. In a typical one hour conversation, you might speak for 30 minutes with a number of errors, but if you read aloud, you can speak for one hour without any grammar mistakes using new vocabulary words.

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